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Cate Callahan · Digital Marketing

Innovative Web Design · Strategic Digital Marketing Campaigns · Proven Results

Landing Pages »

Developing responsive web page layouts designed for an engaging user experience.

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Web Design »

Generating powerful website content, optimizing pages, and increasing web traffic.

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Blog Content »

Creating powerful blog content to engage visitors, generate leads, and support sales.

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Inbound Leads »

Generating inbound leads from organic traffic, email, social media, blogs and more.

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Email Campaigns »

Creating custom designed email templates for multi-touch lead nurturing campaigns.

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Marketing Automation »

Utilizing strategic marketing to guide prospects through the buyer’s journey.

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90% of learners return from a training and quickly forget the information they just learned. Mindmarker, the leader in training reinforcement, helps learners apply their new knowledge and skills.

As Mindmarker’s Senior Digital Marketing Manager, I redesigned both Mindmarker’s website and blog site, which has resulted in a 150% increase in organic traffic and a 260% increase in inbound leads.

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As a leading Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP), ControlScan delivers managed IT security services and PCI and HIPAA-HITECH compliance.

As ControlScan’s Inbound Marketing Manager, I developed and managed ControlScan’s website, redesigned, and developed ControlScan’s Security blog.

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Blog Design, Development, and Content Management

Blogging is an essential component to driving leads, increasing organic traffic, and creating engagement.

Mindmarker Blog »

» Redeveloped Mindmarker’s blog
» Authored blog content
» Leveraged blog for email
» Promoted on social media
» Optimized posts
» Increased organic traffic

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ControlScan Blog »

» Created Blog for
» Implemented User-Friendly Design
» Increased Traffic to
» Optimized for Google Search
» Generated Inbound Leads
» Expanded Website Content

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PCI Compliance Guide »

» Multiplied Referral Traffic
» Maintained #1 Ranking on Google
» Developed New Web Pages
» Increased Inbound Lead Flow
» Implemented Responsive Web Design
» Incorporated Email Subscription

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Increased Website Traffic by 150%

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Increased Referral Traffic by 350%

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Increased Lead Generation by 260%

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Lead Generation and Flow

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Hi, I’m Cate Callahan! I am passionate about utilizing beautiful website design and email automation to drive engagement, generate inbound leads, and nurture prospects through the buyer’s journey. Looking for more info? Interested in working together? Fill out the form below: